The ten years period, from 2010 to 2019, finished and leave us many transcendental changes in different branches, like the economy, technology, work, home, or retail. Let's review those moments through the way we love: charts.
Many of the charts and texts are taken from Morning Brew's daily newspaper, definitely a great weapon for our Wall Street stock trading. Thanks, Brews!
Stocks (SP500 SPX and the Dow Jones DJIA) experienced the longest bull market in history, while Crude Oil /CL is still recovering from its 2014 dramatic drop. Gold /GC is still below 2011 and 2013 highs, while 10-year U.S. Treasury Bonds TNX swings during the decade in a range from 1 to 4%.
It's called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and it reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Tax reform has led to a divergence in how much corporations earn and what they pay the government in taxes. A success from Trump's economic policies.
U.S. private equity deals have climbed steadily upward in both quantity and value, according to PitchBook. IT, healthcare, and B2B sectors made up the majority of deals.
From 2006 to 2017, the number of PE-backed companies increased by 106% while the number of publicly traded companies fell by 16%. In 2018, the number of private equity deals finally rose to pre-recession levels.
In 2019, U.S. venture capital (private equity and financing that investors provide to startup companies and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential) are expected to top $100 billion for the second straight year, according to PitchBook, with 185 deals above $100 million already recorded. The number of deals above $50 million has increased since 2012, though angel and seed rounds have been slowly declining since 2015.
NFLX In dollars, easier to view: the savvy investor who sank $25,000 in Netflix in 2009 would now be sitting on $1 million. Taken from @CNBC. |
The FAANGs: in Aug. 2018, Apple AAPL became the first company in history to reach a $1 trillion valuation. One month later, Amazon AMZN joined the club (though it has since fallen back to the billions), and this April, so did Microsoft MSFT. But it's not just the number of 0's that has regulators and other businesses worried. These big tech companies have evolved from mostly singular missions (search engines, retail, phones) to businesses than span content creation, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, ad platforms, self-driving cars, and more.
Cryptocurrencies were one of the best-performing assets this decade.
That's mainly due to bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009, and for the first half of the 2010s, it flitted between obscurity and heavy skepticism from consumers, the finance industry, and governments. Then all hell broke loose in 2017 when it shot up to nearly $20k and turned some early backers into millionaires. Now...some are comparing bitcoin to the financial bubbles of centuries past.
But over the latter half of the decade, something happened. Cryptos like Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and (yes) bitcoin gained more legitimacy. Wall Street started thawing, and this year Facebook FB corralled some of the biggest names in payments, banking, investment, and tech to back a cryptocurrency project, the Libra Association
The U.S. unemployment rate fell from almost 10% at the start of the decade to 3.5% at the Bureau of Labor Statistics' last count. BLS's 2009 predictions that employment growth would be concentrated in the services sector, especially professional/business services and healthcare/social assistance, were pretty spot on.
The chart above represents broad industry categories. While manufacturing technically posted a net gain over the decade, it was still home to some of the worst-performing sub-industries over the last 10 years, including many apparel manufacturing sectors.
FAMAG acquisitions since 1999
The FAMGA (Facebook FB, Amazon AMZN, Microsoft MSFT, Google GOOG, and Apple AAPL) has made over 750 acquisitions in the last 30 years. @CBInsights has a nice chart on the $1+ billion acquisitions from 1999 to 2019. |
Trades: a threat for the economy?
In 2008, the majority of the U.S. people considered trade more of a threat to the economy than an opportunity. Now, 74% view it as an opportunity for growth. |
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