
1. About Me

Hello, traders from all over the world, welcome to my blog Greed and Fear!  

I'm Luis G. Huasasquiche, a civil engineer, math and finance lover, and a passionate man about markets and their dynamics. With 15 years of studying and trading them, I understood that posting and tweeting my market outlooks, charts, and stock analyses, as well as interacting politely with reliable traders, keep me in good condition to face my trading work. And having all my trading knowledge and ideas properly organized in a place like this is great for me as a quick reference. Those are my reasons for writing this, I hope, neat blog

Over the years I keep trying to refine my way of trading. The experience gained taught me that stock trading is pure psychology and emotional control. That means, being simple, following strictly my Trading Plan, with my style, strategy, and tools select and unalterable, trying to improve my trading edge. And, mainly, avoiding excess useless information or harmful "noise": the main enemy of a trader.

In summary, I learned to be minimalist in my trading. That's simply, trade the trend on select stock/ETFs,  giving priority to technical analysis, supported on the macro and sentiment, through the interpretation of Price Action, trading with strong discipline, risk management, and a bit of instinct. 

Good trading!

Any questions, contact me at: Lhbm01@gmail.com
I'm not a financial advisor, so unauthorized to post any investment advice.

2. About the Blog

The blog is mainly generated from the ideas and experiences of my daily trading work, and developed in three sections: first, the Market Pulse which includes a brief and honest analysis of the equity markets through its main indices, indicating my forecasts and levels to watch. Then, the Trading Tools section, contains the tools and indicators I use for my work, the ones I consider better for my type of trading, and mainly, how I use them. And finally, the updates of stocks or ETFs, usually taken from my Watchlist, are shown in the Stocks To Watch section.

As you have supposed, this isn't an educational blog: I suppose the readers have a basic knowledge of the topics. Therefore, the posts are all written synthetically, trying to be punctual and concise, as a basis for your own further discussion. Sorry, but you will not find here a ton of "winner" picks, magic systems (believe me, they don't exist), courses to sell, or pump-and-dump stocks. As I said, this blog is just a log of my daily work, and hope this information can be useful for you!

Note: credits of all the blog photos, including the cover photo: pexels.com, a great site for free photos!

3. Paypal

If you like the blog's clean design, its contents, and the posts were useful for your daily trading, consider making a donation to support my work. 
